Bought a car that is useless

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New Member
On july 29, 2008 I bought a 1999 Plymmouth to a dealer. He said he sold "as us", but assure me the car was in great condition, that he had it checked by a mechanic to make sure the car was in good condition. I neglected in taking the car right away to be checked, so about 4 days ago, smoke started coming out from the engine, took it immediately to a mechanic and after checking the car he felt so bad that didn't even charge me, said car needed a new engine and I couldn't drive it because tires were loose and it was dangerous. Of course the dealer doesn't want to take it back, is there something I could do???????
Unfortunately the sale was "As-Is" so that meant that once you drove it off the lot, you accepted the terms of the sale. Have you checked the lemon laws on your state? That could be your only recourse at this time. Good Luck!
Lemon laws have nothing to do with the purchase of a used auto. As-is or not, the dealer may have breached the implied warranty of merchantability, contact an attorney.
Without knowing the state I do believe "Lemon laws" do apply to used vehicles. Contacting an Attorney would be wise but "as is" generally means just that "as is". The age of the car may also be a factor. He is a genral link to "lemon laws".
I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification.

What I meant to say was: "Generally, lemon laws have nothing to do with the purchase of a used auto..." :)
Unclemoon - always make sure that your comments here are constructive and that they do offer the assistance that users come here for; so, if not sure, do please refrain from making any comments that add no value to the discussion..
Point taken. Thanks for the public spanking. Let's do it privately next time, huh?
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