Being Sued over an old credit card debt

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New Member
Hello everyone,

I just recently found this website and thought someone could answer a few questions that I have. I am being sued over an old credit card debt and it is a third part that is doing it.
My guess is that this agency would be considered a bottom feeder and hoping for a default judgement. That is simply not the case as I have gone to court to fight this. Long before my court hearing I sent a letter of validation to the collection agency asking for any and all documents they have. I did not hear anything until I went to court and the lawyer working on this asked the judge for a 90 day continuence to obtain the information. What types of documents should I be looking for and is the 90 days too much time to allow them to do this? It really makes me upset because I live in maine they are suing me, whereas if I was still living in New Hampshire where the debt was originally accrued they would not be able to do this as the statute of limitations has expired. As soon as they foud out I moved they issued a summons. I am also disabled and awaiting my Social Security Disablity hearing as I can not work and I do not own any assets.

I thank you for your help
I have the same problem

I am going through a similar situation and I was hoping to get some insight. I have an existing debt with Discover. The debt was turned over to a law office and they have contacted me in the past and I actually was able to pay them some money. My wife was in school so we were flat broke and the payments stopped. We recieved some money from a family member that we owed my wifes parents and deposited the check in our account so we could pay them. We sent the check on Saturday and on the following Monday we saw there was a hold on the account. The lawyer for discover had an execution against us and have a hold on the account for the funds. The money does not belong to us!!!! Is there anyway we can appeal this??? There is a list of exemptions on the back of the execution but it reads like stereo instructions. HELP!!!
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