Being Sued by Bail Bondsman

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New Member
I bailed my ex husband out of jail while we were married. Now I am being sued by the bondsman because he did not go to court. There is already a warrant out for his arrest. I was in contact with the bondsman and a bounty hunter who were both in contact with him. I was under the impression that they were dealing with him and trying to get him back to jail or to pay. Now I received papers from small claims court. Is there anything I can do? I don't understand why they are coming after me and not trying to put him in jail or force him to pay. This is in Huntsville, AL.
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Somebody has got to co-sign for the bail. This typically is a family member, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. because the person sitting in jail is, well, sitting in jail and can't do it. By co-signing you agree that the person in jail will show up for their court hearing.

It sounds like you were the co-signer for this bail. If the defendant (your exhusband) skips, the person (you) who co-signed with the bail bondsman is responsible for this money.

For what it's worth, this seems to happen ALL the time. Your option is the find your ex-husband and sue HIM in small claims court for the money you owe the bail bondsman.

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