Quiet Enjoyment being harassed by young "adults"


New Member
I live in a mobile home park that was always fairly decent.
Until the last few years someone purchased it and does not have a manager living there.
Like most parks do. He of course refuses to pay anyone to be a manager.

Alot of us living there have had many problems with these young kids he lets in.
We have had to call, police, fire marshall, zoning, health department, animal control, animal cruelty, etc.

Now some are retaliating, and they look less than friendly. We think they are into drugs. The landlord doesnt
enforce any of the rules of the park at all. They wake us up all hours of the night with screaming, fighting, swearing
profanities, etc. Blaring their rap "music" and honking the horns of vehicles. Many of us are about to move out.
Such a shame a few "very bad rotten eggs" can ruin a whole street! But once we called the police, they got very
aggressive. Very scared to go home anymore.
Any suggestions other than moving, we keep logs of all of this disruption.
What makes you think the landlord or manager can control them if the police can not? You can continue to alert the appropriate authorities or move.
You can continue to report them though they might retaliate as you note they have been doing. Your other option is to move. Sorry.