Bay Bridge toll violation

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I accidentally entered I-80W near the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge (I meant to go East). There was a final Oakland exit posted, but I got very confused about the exit. There are two lanes which diverge from the main I-80 roadway which I assumed were the exit lanes. Turns out that they were actually part of a bus lane flyover and that the exit was a feet hundred feet further down the freeway. A Web search has led me to conclude that this mistake is made quite frequently. My error put me in a "bus only" lane which bypassed the bridge toll plaza and put me on the bridge to San Francisco. Signs posted past the point where I had no choice but to remain in the bus lane indicated that there was a heavy penalty (I think something like $1000) for illegal use of the bus lane. I wasn't stopped by CHP or any other law enforcement officers, but I'm worried that the incident may have been recorded on camera.

Does California law allow the use of cameras to enforce bus lane restrictions? I've been searching various sources online and there seems to be a lot of anecdotal evidence as to whether or not cameras are used to monitor these bus lanes (with representatives from both sides claiming either that they are or aren't monitored), but no solid answer. I was able to find statutes in the California Vehicle Code dealing with the use of cameras at red lights, but not for other purposes. Please let me know if anyone has any insight into this issue. I'd simply like to know whether I should be expecting a ticket. Thanks.
They most likely got you on camera and you will get a citation in the mail.
It wouldn't hurt to contact the agency that operates the toll plaza... I dunno if it is Caltrans or someone else... but explain it, get the infor for where to send your payment to, and pay the regular toll. If you do that then you will likely get a citation dismissed if one should show up later since you could prove it was not your intent to avoid the fees. Just make sure you arrange to get a receipt.

I did the same mistake of you. I would like to know how much you paid the ticket? please.

Thank you
I did the same mistake. Could you please tell me how much you ended up paying?

Read what Moose told the OP to do.

If you do that, there likely won't be a fine, the citation could get dismissed.
i made the same mistake about 10 days ago, but haven't received any citation yet, should I wait for longer or do something??
10 days is too soon to receive a notice in the mail. Arrange to pay the toll and you won't have to worry about more expensive citations.
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