Bank messed up on the mortage loan

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New Member
We bought a house thru the bank around the end of November 2005, we were told by the bank that flood insurance was not necessary. We were in the process of apply for a HELOC when they now inform us that we are in a flood zone. We have paperwork that was filled out by the bank loan's officer that shows that it was checked off as not in a flood zone. Since buying our land we have had another home built on our property. If we were told of being in the flood zone 1) poss. that we would have not bought the home and property and 2) we would have definetly not have built a second home on the land - which is seems now is in greater area of the flood zone. We have proof that the bank messed up as in the good faith estimate paperwork, it was mark as being in a flood zone, which we did not know of , but in the original paperwork at closing it was marked as not being in a flood zone - which we were told of. Help!!
You may need to see a Real Estate Lawyer to sort this out. It is not clear what you want to do about this or what type of help you think you need. Is it about the insurance? The bank? What is a HELOC?
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