Consumer Law, Warranties Bally Fitness Cancellation

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New Member
Hello Everyone, I'm new to this forum and have noticed something in my search for contract cancellation advice. It may already be answered, but I haven't actually seen it anywhere.

This is what I've noticed... while searching the web for answers about the best way to cancel my Bally contract, mind you I have no physical aliments that a doctor's note will excuse, nor do I live more than 25 miles from a Bally, and I am not dead - yet.

Anyhow, looking at the fine print of my month to month contract, no where does it state that I need a feasable excuse to terminate my membership. Why can't I just end when I want to? Am I missing something??? Why do we need an excuse of "death" to be released?

I want to end my contract for a number of reasons, one being that I do not feel comfortable in the gym environment. I tried it and didn't like it. I really tried to, but it's just not for me. Previous to joining Bally, I tried Cardinal Fitness, Curves, even Woman's Workout World (many years ago) and I've come to the conclusion I just don't like it. Period. And, Bally's is the worst because of all the germs. People don't clean up after themselves, older men lay exposed/naked in the sauna and this can be seen from the pool, and frankly, the women's dressing room is just plain unsanitary. But, none of these honest concerns/excuses looks like it will release me from the membership.

Well, I'm only just beginning the process.

Again, my membership is month to month. I've paid a total of 3 months thus far. Today, I sent an email notifying them of my termination. And, I will be sending a registered letter later today. In these letters, I only stated that I want to terminate for personal and financial reasons.

I just don't want to be given a hard time. Any thoughts about the first part of my post regarding needing a life altering excuse? Any advise about not getting ticked in the process?

Thanks in advance. I'm really interested in what you have to share. Teri
Teri - if your agreement is month to month then you can terminate. If there is nothing in the agreement that says you can't terminate, you're all set. My understanding of Bally's agreements that cause issues are the ones where you agree to get a reduced price and pay $X per month for X years, usually 3-5 I think.
Bally's Termination

I was told by my local Bally's contact that I needed to mail a letter and my gym pass to Bally Total Fitness, PO BOX 96241 Washington DC 20090-6241. I was instructed that it be sent via certified mail. They received it on December 20th at 3am and billed me on the 21st for my monthly fee. I'm now going to see if they want to fight over that since I seriously doubt they bill a month behind...
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