Auto accident question

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New Member
I have a guestion about a car accident my boyfriend had, there was no police report and it was never reported to insurance. It happened 3 weeks ago in my mothers driveway. He tapped into the car while pulling out, he told the women he had tapped her wheel. The owner of the car looked at it and said not to worry it was nothing. Now the lady calls me and said her husband is upset and wants the car fixed. I told I was not there so I don't know what damage was done but to get a couple of estimates and to call my boyfriend or mail it to him. So she drops 1 estimate off at my place of work, the estimate is for over a thousand dollars of damage to the rear of the car and the door. When I spoke to her the, week prior, she also told me there was little damage to the wheel well.

Here is the question since the owner of the car stated to 2 people at the time of the incident "Not to worry, there was no damage " is my boyfriend legally responsible to pay for this crazy estimate?
Thanks for your time!
Here is the question since the owner of the car stated to 2 people at the time of the incident "Not to worry, there was no damage " is my boyfriend legally responsible to pay for this crazy estimate?
This is an issue for a court if you both dispute it. I'm guessing that the owner is reneging on this alleged representation. In court, if it gets there, you testify that this damage was "so serious" that the owner told us not to worry because there was no material damage at all. It's a factor in weighing whether you are responsible and credibility of each of you will be important.
Almost any little scratch now is almost 1,000. Since he hit her car, he needs to either pay it or turn it over to his insurance company.
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