Attorney/Client Conspiracy to Misrepresent Facts to Court

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New Member
I was ordered by the Court to allow his father to take him to hockey practices/games. My attorney did not give me a copy of the Judge's Order. His father never came to pick him up for games/practices. I was served with a Complaint for Contempt. Because my attorney had a habit over the past 1-1/2 years of not giving me copies of relevant court documents, I fired him. I represented myself pro se on the Complaint. On an Motion for Attorney Fees and within the Complaint itself, there was text indicating that because of missed games/practices (he referenced that it was 9 practices and 3 games), all during my parenting time, that my son was "kicked off" of the team. We went before the judge and opposing counsel said several times (using extreme theatricals) that because of my contemptuous acts, my son was kicked off of the team and that his clients should be awarded: attorney's fees, lost hockey fees and that I should serve jail time. The Judge took statements into consideration and said that he would mail his decision to the parties. While waiting for the Judgment, I contacted my son's coach to see which practices/games that he had missed and was told that he was never kicked off of the team and that his father just "never brought him back." Well, the verdict came in and I was found guilty and he was awarded attorney's fees, hockey fees (100% of my child support to be deducted for ten weeks), and I have been sentenced to five days in jail, beginning December 2nd.

Today I went before the Magistrate with a complaint for perjury. His attorney said that his client did not testify at the hearing and that since he was the one that said that he was kicked off the team and he wasn't under oath that perjury was not committed.

Is it possible that he can get away with lying to the Court to get a judgment against me? I have a family of seven (my boyfriend, myself and five children). This verdict has unfairly stripped me of my freedom for five days (three weeks before Christmas) and taken away my only means of financial contribution to my family.

I have filed a Motion for Relief from Judgment. Is there anything else that I can do?

Please advise ASAP as December 2nd is creeping closer. Thank you!!!
Please don't think me cruel for asking, but don't you think you've done enough to yourself?
Every adult has the right to litigate his or her legal matters.
But, just because one has a right, that doesn't mean its smart to exercise that right.
Your case wasn't a difficult case, had a seasoned attorney represented you.
You chose to represent yourself with disastrous results for you and your loved ones.
Instead of immediately discussing the negative result with an attorney (yes, you no longer like the one you had, but there are others), you're here.
I could advise you, but that doesn't mean you could execute the advice properly.
You are in a very precarious position, madam.
You don't want to litigate this alone.
Do yourself a very big favor, speak to a few attorneys and hire one.
You don't want to be in jail at any time of the year, especially during the holidays.
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