Attacked and injured, need advice

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New Member
I could use some advice, I don't think there is anything I can do but please let me know for sure...

Yesterday I went into a convenience store and was waiting in line for the cashier when a man came in and cut in line in front of everyone. I said there were other people first and he got really aggressive asking who I thought I was, etc... He then swung on me, I tried to defend myself but I got punched really hard in the eye. As of now half my face is completely numb, my eyeball is dented and bleeding, and my vision is obstructed.

I filed a police report, but no one got a tag number or anything, so all we can go on is descriptions of the man, his vehicle and the video tape from the store. I think I need medical help but I have no insurance, and already owe thousands for an ER visit last month. I simply can't pay for it, while the guy responsible walks around scott free.

What should I do? Keep bugging the police? Hire a detective? Is there any hope of finding him and if so, is there any hope of getting him to pay for the damages? Or am I just out of luck?
Update: I went ahead and got treated at the hospital. It turns out the state has a program to reimburse medical bills to victims of violent crime.

So really my only question is, if the guy is found, is there any kind of civil suit that can be filed? I don't know much about this kind of thing.
Certainly you can sue him if you find him. I am not sure the state will cover ALL your bills from your injuries, so you may want to check that.

But, if he has no money or assets, a lawsuit will end up costing YOU money. And if he is prosecuted for the assault, then restitution to you and the hospital will likely be added to any financial payout.

- Carl
Ok, thanks for the advice. It's hard to get an answer to even a simple question like this, I called some lawyers but they wouldn't discuss anything without setting up an appointment.
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