Assault & Battery Assualt Question

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Assualt Question

My friend was watching an uncles children for the night. She fell asleep with them and when she woke up there was a camera on her and her pants and bra were off "shirt and underwear still on". She saw her uncle there, screamed and ran out of the room and locked herself in the bathroom. ====> I would Like to know what charges she could press without it being hearsay.

There were no witnesses.
She didnt grab the tape out of the camera. and the uncle deleted it.
This is almost a year old...but it is important.

Smoken_daily69 said:
Assualt Question

My friend was watching an uncles children for the night. She fell asleep with them and when she woke up there was a camera on her and her pants and bra were off "shirt and underwear still on". She saw her uncle there, screamed and ran out of the room and locked herself in the bathroom. ====> I would Like to know what charges she could press without it being hearsay.

It's a sexual assault. And under the new kiddy porn laws in Canada, depending on her age and the age of the other children in the room, he could very well be charged with that as well. If this is American, then there is some Interference or Sexual Touching laws that would apply.

There is definitely something to charge this fellow with. Forensics could recover the tapes through a search of his home and property. Images on digital or analog media can still have residual data left on them that may not be apparent.

Even when you delete stuff, it's not really gone...just the reference to the location of that data is wiped out.

There were no witnesses.
She didnt grab the tape out of the camera. and the uncle deleted it.

In most abuse cases there are no witnesses, except for the perpetrator and victim. Imagine how clear cut most child sexual assault cases would be IF there were victims.

This is a situation where you need to expressly speak out. This is disgusting behavior that should not be tolerated. If the victims remain silent, then this stuff will keep going on, and people will keep being victimized and have to suffer unnecessarily.
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