Article 9B Condominium Law

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New Member
:confused:The members of my condo association have had the same Board of Managers for the past 20+ years. It is suspected that there is misuse of funds. The association consists of 2 "phases". Pretty much the 2 phases and the over-all association is run by two people and 3 older women who basically are contacted with the important questions of "where do we plant the new shrubs and what kind do you think are appropriate"
The 2 people running the show are making the decisions concerning how the money from assessments and common charges is used. The association is going down the tubes with respect to the property upkeep (building integrity) except for "cosmetic upkeep" minimal structure upkeep occurs.

We have contacted the NYS Attorney General's office, the suggestion being vote them out. The 'management' uses proxies from those who don't attend the association/phase meeting (once/year) to vote themselves back into office.

Question: Who enforces Article 9b of the Condominium Law in New York State
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