Assault & Battery arrested because my husbund abuze me

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New Member
I had a big fithing with my husbund and I called police.They said they cannot help me. They left and my husbund called them after some while because I was depressed and I messed the walls painted recently.
They handcuff me and pull me by force to the station and locked me in an arrest room.
I asked for my phone , water, my jacket, I was very cold and sick but I did not get anything. They told me a doctor will come and talked to me. After few hours they let me go home.
Can they do something like that? Is it right what they did?
Can they do what they did?

Obviously, they did it to you.

You're lucky they let you go.

If you've been directed to return to court, you'd be wise to obey.

You need a local lawyer.

No one in the USA can help you.

Talk to a lawyer in your city, town, or village.

You need real help, not virtual help.
Were you intoxicated, or had you been using any drugs or alcohol at the time?
It sounds like you were held until you sobered up and were released... quite normal.
I don't drink alcohol and I don't take drogs.
My husband told them I have mental problems and things like that...I don't know exactly because they talked apart from me and also I do not speak the language of the country, I am a rezident and he is citizen and can speak the national language.

I have only depression and I have treatment for that. But I did not abuze my medicines or something like that. It is just they belived his liers. He is a good actor and I discovered that only after marriage...bad for me...
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