Are apt. managers aloud to tell about tenants personal business?

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New Member
My friend of like 10 years and i live in the same building. We got drunk one night and got into a fistfight @ my apt. Security was called and he called the police. It was a big misunderstanding on our part and we made up in the morning and laughed about it. We went together to talk to the new Apt. Mngr. She informed us that there was a 0 tolerance policy on getting police called, even tho it was an isolated event and there was no report made, and we never got in trouble like this before, it was a warning and one more incident and we are both evicted. She also made sure to mention the fact that she would love to rent my apt out for more money. She said i was luck i paid what i did. (my apt were recently takn over by the bank.) I feel like she was bullying us. Then a few days after the incident, my friend (who is friends with the managers daughter and works where i work. AND WHO ALSO HAD NO IDEA about the incident!) My friend tells me my new Apt. Mngr was telling her all about what happend and that my friend had a black eye and that she could be getting more $$ if i was evicted. IS this legal? IS this bullying?? i feel pressured and nervous and am getting bad anxiety that they just want to evict me for anything to re-rent my apt! Ive lived here almost 3 years and have never felt like this.
My friend of like 10 years and i live in the same building. We got drunk one night and got into a fistfight @ my apt. Security was called and he called the police. It was a big misunderstanding on our part and we made up in the morning and laughed about it. We went together to talk to the new Apt. Mngr. She informed us that there was a 0 tolerance policy on getting police called, even tho it was an isolated event and there was no report made, and we never got in trouble like this before, it was a warning and one more incident and we are both evicted. She also made sure to mention the fact that she would love to rent my apt out for more money. She said i was luck i paid what i did. (my apt were recently takn over by the bank.) I feel like she was bullying us. Then a few days after the incident, my friend (who is friends with the managers daughter and works where i work. AND WHO ALSO HAD NO IDEA about the incident!) My friend tells me my new Apt. Mngr was telling her all about what happend and that my friend had a black eye and that she could be getting more $$ if i was evicted. IS this legal? IS this bullying?? i feel pressured and nervous and am getting bad anxiety that they just want to evict me for anything to re-rent my apt! Ive lived here almost 3 years and have never felt like this.

It isn't illegal to gossip and be a jerk

I wouldn't worry about what anyone is telling you.

If you ever got them on the stand, they'd probably get amnesia.

I would just walk away if this person starts gossiping again.

Some people like to keep trouble brewing.

Pay your rent, work your job, and live a calm, peaceful life.

You and your friend made up, that is all that you should care about.
but i feel like they are going to look for any little thing to make me get an eviction! Like, if i pay my rent late this month, are they gonna evict me? it just makes me a nervous effin wreck thats all and its i shouldnt have to feel like that where i live. They are rude to everybody, not just me. So i shouldnt even tell her boss that i think shes saying things that are unprofessional? I just want her to leave!!
but i feel like they are going to look for any little thing to make me get an eviction! Like, if i pay my rent late this month, are they gonna evict me? it just makes me a nervous effin wreck thats all and its i shouldnt have to feel like that where i live. They are rude to everybody, not just me. So i shouldnt even tell her boss that i think shes saying things that are unprofessional? I just want her to leave!!
Eviction takes time. Do your best to follow the rules and not make late payments.
Even if you are late, pay as soon as you can and any eviction that has begun will go away. You would get a written demand letter prior to an eviction being started, so there won't be any surprises.

If you don't like where you live and the people are mean you could always live somewhere else... not the option you want to hear, but it's the one with the best chance of working.
Don't pay your rent late and the issue of an eviction shouldn't come up. Don't get drunk to the point where you have fist fights with others and where the police have to be called and there shouldn't be any further issues.

Open your mouth to tell her boss that she is saying things that are unprofessional and you pave the road further for her trying to get you out of there. You did get drunk, did get into a fist fight to the point where security and the police had to be called.

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