AR Insurance Company Commissions Issue

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New Member
I live in Arkansas and I have been sent a letter by an Insurance Company I used to work sales for. After being told nothing but lies about the income I'd make in just 3 years, (promising me six figures "Guaranteed") I signed with them after shelling out a few hundred dollars for my Life and Health license. Both my Regional and District Managers were convinced that I should buy a policy. They assured me that I would never be billed for the policy and that I would be paid commission for selling myself, to give me some start up money. After months of cold calling and finally realising that I had spent thousands just to make a few hundred, I told them I had no intrest in working for them or keeping their products as the policy was too specific as to what had to happen in order for them to pay out. Here I am one year and a half later and I recive this letter (some of it's edited for confidentiality reasons only)

Re: Settlement Proposal
Account No. *****

Mr. *******,

You have a balance owed to ***** in the ammount of $***.**. We are prepared to make a one-time settlement offer that will significantly reduce your balance.
In order to discuss a settlement arrangement, call ***********, within three business days of recipt of the letter. This is your final opportunity to resolve this matter directly with *****.
My question is that I was told I wouldn't be billed, as though this was a benifeit of working for this company where I was paid only by commission. Basically I would like to know what I can expect, as I fear that calling the number is a blatant admission of guilt and I don't feel as though I owe them these funds. I'm now a student at College and have no job, so would they go after my wife's wages or after our taxes? Thanks for any help.
Q: I'm now a student at College and have no job, so would they go after my wife's wages or after our taxes?

A: They could go after your account and if your wife put money in your account, they could go after it. I doubt that they want to pay your taxes.
Sorry to goof up, basically we have a joint account, and I meant our tax return. We're a very low income family (my Expected Family Contribution from my student aid is always 0) Honestly, I'm sure that legally I do owe them this money, but not in the way it was explained to me by my superiors. I belive that they simply said whatever they had to to get me to sign the papers, most of the time I had to sign anything it had to "be quick because I've got an appointment in 15 minutes" and all the contracts online so I couldn't take them home with me to look over. Thanks for the help, you guys are doing a great work.

"May your glass be ever full,
Your roof be ever strong,
and may you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead."
My guess is that you were contracted with Midwest, Mega, or United American. If so, you might as well chalk this one up to experience. They will continue to hound you for payment and there is nothing you can do about. Unless you had an agreement with them in writing, they will not honor it. Try getting apoointed with reputable companies and you may yet find success in this business. Good luck!
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