Anything I can do-or am I stuck???

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New Member
I own a home on a land-locked lake in Florida. I understand that the public has rights to the actual water and once they are in it...they are not trespassing on my land. However, my neighbors and I have a problem. We have routinely chased a few specific peoples off of our properties, because of problems they were causing (littering, taunting, vulgarities, etc). We have filed reports with the sheriff on multiple occasions. The problem is, now they are coming into the lake at the public access point (perfectly legal)-walking around the lake just inside of the water line to get to the area right in front of my beach, just to sit there and taunt us (they are minors). Is there ANYTHING I can do? I'd like to be able to sit in my yard without being mocked and yelled at.
This is not Legal Advice!


I know you are frustrated but apart from the trash being thrown in the lake and the noise, the minors are still allowed to be there.

I have been searching the data base to find something for you to get your teeth in to but i am not having much luck at the moment, you should try: and see if you can find something that may help you.

I am afraid, children love to tanterlise they find the chase exciting.

Good luck and i hope your problem resolves itself soon.

Take Care

Q: Is there ANYTHING I can do? I'd like to be able to sit in my yard without being mocked and yelled at.

A: Believe me, if I knew how to control minors, I would be a gazillionaire.
They may have access to the water but if they are engaging in disorderly conduct and harassment directed towards you then keep telling the sheriff. Swimming is one thing, harassment another. If so inclined see if you can file harassment charges against the minors. Of course, anything you do could escalate their behavior.
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