Annoying neighbor

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New Member
I have lived in my house for about 4 years now. It is a lower middle class neighborhood that is not real well taken care of but not to the point of complete disrepair. The house next door to me is owned by a contractor and his stay at home wife.I would say they are in their early 50's and their home is very well taken care of, remodeled and is the nicest by far in the neighborhood.

I am a divorced mother of 2 girls on a limited income. I take care of my home the best I can but do not have extra money to do things like redo the lawn, etc.

Anyway about a year ago the woman next door came over to talk to me about my dog which was an indoor/outdoor dog. We were getting him put to sleep the next weekend because he was blind/deaf, had cancer and generally was in poor shape. Apparantly she had seen him in the backyard and was "concerned" for him and asked me if she could have him. This was my first time ever meeting the woman. I told her no, we were planning on having him put to sleep and shut the door thinking she was very odd.

The second encounter with her was with my live in fiance. She was complaining about the lack of gutters on our house.

The next encounter was again with my fiance complaining about our cats coming on her property.

The next encounter was her with my teenage daughter, complaining once again about the cats. This time she said my cat went into her house and was "mean". My daughter asked her how the cat got in her house and she said she leaves her front door open... The she complained to her about "rats" that were coming from our backyard. (I have never seen a rat near my house)

Two weeks ago, the trash missed our trash pickup (and our neighbors). She came over to complain to my fiance and having enough he finally went off on her and told her pretty much where to go.

Yesterday I got home and there was a card and a pamphlet laying on my porch from the Public Health department. I called the guy and talked to him about it and he confirmed that there was nothing on my property that could be harboring rats and that he saw none. He also said that the woman had complained about my neighbor on the other side and the neighbor on the other side of her.

Is there anything that can be done about someone like this? They make life miserable and I feel that it's almost to the point of harassment. Restraining order? Anything to get her to wake up and stop.
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