Aggressive Driving

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New Member
I was on the highway on my way to work in Newark Delaware on September 4, 2008. My exit was 3/4 miles away and I was in the fast lane and needed to be in the slow lane to make my exit. I changed 3 lanes, taking proper precautions and signaling for each change. There was a cop merging onto the highway at a speed at least ten miles slower than the speed that I was travelling. He pulled me over. He approached my car, me already knowing what to expect, I was prepared and handed him my license, insurance and registration when he approached my window. The only words he says to me are "So you're not gonna let me talk to you". In no way did I interfere with him being able to talk to me but he was obviously annoyed with me. He goes back to his car and returns with 5 citation.

1. Unreasonable speed (2pts)
2. Improper lane change (2pts)
3. Failure to use signal (2pts)
4. Following a vehicle too closely (2pts)
5. Aggressive driving (6pts)

When I went to court, the judge informed me that in order for the aggressive driving charge to stick, I had to be found guilty of at least three of the other charges. I really don't want all these points on my license and I truly believe that the cop really just wanted to flirt instead of doing his job and became annoyed because I was already prepared when he approached my car. Can someone please help me. I could use some good advice.
How about talking to an attorney so s/he can find a good defense for you? Hope this helps!
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