Advise "Please" for License Suspension

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New Member
Went to court in NC December 8th and was granted a Prayer for Judgement by the judge for a speeding ticket (76/55) - my first ticket in over 20 years).

Paid court costs and thought everything was fine.

Then I received a letter from the state saying my license was being suspended as of January 6th!

I called - was told the DOT had no record of the prayer for judgement - and that I should call the county in which I appeared in court. I did so and was told that they had not updated my information since I went to court - and that they would do so right away - as well as send me a letter showing the Prayer for Judgement status.

Received that in the mail - called DOT back to advise them of such -- and was told that they had received the updated records from Vance County - and they would update my information while I was on the phone so that the suspension was taken off! Phew! Was I happy!

Then - voila - forehead thunk - grrrrrrr.

I then received the exact letter from DOT - again stating my license is suspended - but this time with a January 17th date for suspension!

Short of hiring an attorney to clear up this mess - what can I do? I went to court on my own because I'm currently laid off - and hiring an attorney would be a hardship at this time.

Thanks to anyone who can provide some advise!

Correction in info..... ticket was 76 in a 50..... (16 miles over)

Called NCDOT this morning - and again, am being told that my records are updated - as of today - and regardless of what the letter stated - my license is 'not' suspended.

Am going to keep a copy of my prayer for judgement in the glove box ----- and hope this will suffice in case I'm pulled over for any reason!
Make absolutely sure the official records are updated and correct. Request a cop of you driving record a few months from now. I think you can do this on-line and the NCDOT Web site.

Otherwise this can pop up again at any time (20 yrs from now).
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