Advice on a will and the House Please

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My question is i live with my mother as a carer and have looked after her for 4 years, my sister does not help at all much and turns up saying she would like £12,000 when my mother dies and if the will is made up she will contest it saying i forced my mother to excluded her from it.

I offered to pay her the £12,000 over a one year period, but she will not except she says she wants after 2 mths grace while i sort out the probate.

My mother has no savings, most of the house contents belong to me. and the house in question is worth about £100,000 in total.

The house is not registared i have the deeds here, so how long would i have to paid my sister once the probate is sorted.

Also she said if i got a will made myself she would contest because of my mothers age which is 85 and say that i forced her to sign, but it is not true she originally wanted me to pay my sister rental for the house because of all the care i have put in and work.

Also i know my mother could sign the house over to me, but then i would have pay the council tax because have saved over the £16,000 incase she needs to go to a care home, and so they dont take over the house, and would rather the savings be in my name because of sisters intentions.

Thanks for any Advice!!
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You should seek the services of a good probate solicitor.

A hundred thousand pounds is a lot of money and you need to make sure it is protected.
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