Advice Needed

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New Member
I live in Michigan

Hello. My son is 18 and his ex girlfriend is 16. They got pregnant last year when she was 15 and he 17. At first everything was fine. Her parents were begging him to move in and allowed them to sleep in the same bed. He was allowed to see his baby and has fallen madly in love with her.

They have since broken up and his ex- girlfriends parents want to adopt my sons daughter. They refuse to let him see her.

My son wants to be in his daughters life, but the parents are threatening him with statutory rape if he doesent sign his rights over. Should he sign them over to avoid prision, or fight this? Can he fight a statutory rape charge?

I am not sure if this matters, but he is also on SSI disability becuase he is slow.
Also, could he get visitation rights if he is slow?

Thank you to anyone who can answer my questions.
How in the world is it statuatory rape when she is older than him? That makes no sense. Document all these threats and take them to a family law attorney. Her parents are being silly and unrealistic. He has a right to be a father to the girl and he should not consent to the adoption.

You and your son should see an attorney. He does have rights, and he needs to apply for visitation. Also he will be required to pay child support but if he is on SSI then the child should receive a benefit.

Good luck

§ 750. 520b et seq.
First-degree criminal sexual conduct is sexual penetration with someone under age 13.

Third-degree criminal sexual conduct is sexual penetration with someone between age 13 and 16. Up to life in prison

Up to 15 years in prison
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