Advance Directives, POA and DNR's

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New Member
I didn't see a topic on this, so posted a new thread which I hope is ok... I was told that I may need to talk to a lawyer regarding some things I wanted to take care of far as medical treatment goes in the event I'm unable to speak for myself. I assume or hope that there is a form somewhere that can simply be filled out and written in what I specifically want or don't want done, but I'm having a lot of difficulty in finding it. I do have a person I've chosen as a power of attorney that I want to make further decisions that I might not be able to make for myself... however I would like something in writing and official that will cover all bases. I don't want any confusion or mis-interpreting in this area. So I guess I'm hoping someone can maybe lead me in the right direction on where I may find the proper forms for this stuff for my area. I live in Washington state, so its probably got to be specific to the state. I rather not have to pay a lawyer to put my words in writing when I guess I don't feel it should be all that complicating of a matter. There has to be something out there that I can just say "this is what I want, and this is what I don't want" and that be good enough... least that is what I'm hoping. So please if anyone out there has suggestions or knows anything about this stuff I'm open to hearing them. It's all a little confusing and almost too complicating to understand... I'm just trying to figure it all out. Thankyou in advance!
Chrissy aka Tane25
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