Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse adult diversion for felonies????

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New Member
My best friend just got arrested for obstructing justice--felony
drug paraphernalia--misdemeanor
possession of cannabis plant under 5-misdemeanor
possession of cannabis under 2.5g- misdemeanor

can she qualify for the adult diversion program for first time offenders since there is a felony involved.she is 54 and never been in trouble.or what usually happens to first time offenders.
My best friend just got arrested for obstructing justice--felony
drug paraphernalia--misdemeanor
possession of cannabis plant under 5-misdemeanor
possession of cannabis under 2.5g- misdemeanor

can she qualify for the adult diversion program for first time offenders since there is a felony involved.she is 54 and never been in trouble.or what usually happens to first time offenders.

I see no reason why she wouldn't be a great candidate for the program.
More good news for your friend: many times prosecutors and police will overcharge crimes.
That leaves room for plea bargaining to occur.
In all likelihood, your friend will see her charges reduced prior to trial or plea.
In the end, she may not get convicted of a felony, after all.
This wouldn't necessitate her worrying about a diversionary program, at least for the felony.

She needs to plead not guilty to everything.
She shouldn't make any statements about anything withour speaking with an attorney.
She should ask for an attorney to be appointed to defend her, if she can't afford her own.
adult diversion

I see no reason why she wouldn't be a great candidate for the program.
More good news for your friend: many times prosecutors and police will overcharge crimes.
That leaves room for plea bargaining to occur.
In all likelihood, your friend will see her charges reduced prior to trial or plea.
In the end, she may not get convicted of a felony, after all.
This wouldn't necessitate her worrying about a diversionary program, at least for the felony.

She needs to plead not guilty to everything.
She shouldn't make any statements about anything withour speaking with an attorney.
She should ask for an attorney to be appointed to defend her, if she can't afford her own.

Thank you so much for the reply---problem--they were there to arrest her son for it so she admitted guilt to the officer so they wouldnt arrest her son and she made a statment to officer admitting guilt at police station without attorney.
tuxor said:
Thank you so much for the reply---problem--they were there to arrest her son for it so she admitted guilt to the officer so they wouldnt arrest her son and she made a statment to officer admitting guilt at police station without attorney.

She still needs to ask for an attorney to be appointed to represent her, if she can't afford one.

Regardless of what she did in the past, NOW she needs to just shut up.

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