Adjudication withheld

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New Member
I rec'd a Notice of Non-compliance from Pioneer Credit Recovery today req'g. that a traffic infraction be paid from 11/22/96. The judge ruled final disposition as adjudication withheld, and never gave me a fine. I was under the impression he dismissed the case. This was 17 years ago. What does this all mean? Am I obligated to pay a fine that was never assessed in court by the Judge?

Thanx 4 ur help.
From what I understand from the limited information provided, the adjudication or "decision" on the case was withheld pending your compliance with some terms that were set down. Your notice (from a debt collection agency) states you weren't in compliance with the terms of the deal or, in other words, the court believes you violated the terms. As a result, they are claiming that your traffic infraction be paid.

Note that this is a debt collector. You may wish to determine the facts for yourself. From my understanding there isn't a statute of limitations on the state collecting money on amounts it is owed for motor vehicle infractions. There are many famous parking cases where many thousands of dollars can accumulate over time. Typically these are settled in an appropriate manner. You'll need to determine more information as to whether this claim is valid and why you were deemed to not be in compliance. Good luck.
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