Consumer Fraud accused of check fraud

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New Member
Hi , i was recommanded to work for a man for housekeeping and he paid pretty well. I only worked for him a few times. He knows that i was having finanical problems with school and other finanaical reasons so he wrote me out a check and it bounced. A few days ago I received a letter from a detective saying that he is investigating and if I dont respond to the letter a warrent will be placed for my arrest. I feel like the victim what can i do about this situation?
It is more than likely a scam if some sort.
If the police want to investigate someone, they usually don't send a letter telling you about it.

Why not contact the police agency and ask them about the authenticity of the letter?

Have you contacted your employer and inquired about his bounced check?

It seems as if you're the victim here, unless someone is claiming that stole the check and forged it.

Can you elaborate about the check, please?

Why aren't you concerned about a check that bounced that was used to pay your wages?
The check may have bounced because it was reported stolen.
You can safely ignore the letter if you choose. You are under no obligation to contact the police or speak to them.
If they want to talk to you they will come find you, and even then you don't have to talk to them.
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