Accident where the car being hit left.

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New Member
I live in Indiana and this morning the weather was bad and I slid into the back of another car. As I started to get out of my car, the car I hit left.

It turns out that the guy I hit works in a different department at my work and noticed my truck in the parking lot at lunch and asked around to find out who it belonged to. He then approached me (9hrs after the accident) and said we needed to talk about the accident. I told him to talk to me tomorrow.

My question is this......The police were never called and there was no accident report because he drove away and left. Can he still call and get a report filed now and if so, would it hold any weight?

At this point, I would rather not get the insurance companies involved because I was driving my gf's truck and it would be her insurance.

I am more than willing to work with the guy to get his car fixed because it was my fault but I just wanted to know where I stand legally at this point or should I not be so willing to help?

Thanks in advance.
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