Access to home

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New Member
I have been told by my local police that I cannot keep my 18-year-old daughter out of my home for any length of time. I adopted her 2 years ago, and she has lived with me since 2001. She has some psychiatric issues and at the moment, we are awaiting a court date for a domestic violence incident during which I was injured. The police informed me that, since she has lived here for 7 years, she has "an expectation of a place to live" and, short of legally evicting her, I cannot keep her out of the house; that if she shows up on my doorstep, I must let her in. I have two smaller children and I cannot leave the 18-y-o in my home when I leave it, so when I have to take my others to school, or the doctor, or anywhere, I, according to the police, cannot ask her to leave until I return. Is this true, or do I have the right to ask her to leave without actually legally evicting her?
Thank you in advance for your attention to this.
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