9 over speeding ticket w/ PJC on record

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New Member
First of all I took a prayer for judgement almost 2 years ago for going around a stopped car on the shoulder, the ticket was given for illegal passing. I did research on the points given for illegal passing and it stated up to 4 points could be recieved. So I took the safe driving course and got the PJC.

I recently recieved a ticket for 44 mph in a 35 mph zone on my motorcycle in a different county than the illegal passing ticket. I know that 9 or less does not go on your insurance, but since I have the PJC on my record before my 3 year time frame is up I am concerned that the illegal passing ticket will be applied to my driving record and insurance.

I am a college student who doesn't have much money so I considered paying the fee and being done with it. However, then I remember that the past likes to come back to get you. So now I want to know one of three things ... should I get a lawyer to take care of the situation and say bye bye money, go to court myself and attempt to handle the situation, or pay the fine and learn a lesson?

Any information would be greatly apperciated. Thanks!
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