70 in a 55- Please help!

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New Member
I just recieved my first speeding ticket in Davidson County, N.C. I am 17 years old and have never recieved any other traffic violations and usually drive the speed limit.(Late night on a long straight stretch screwed me.)

I was wondering what the best way to handel this would be? :confused:
My main goal is to have NO insurance points because I already work my butt off trying to pay the insurance as it is.
I heard about the PFJ but didnt know if it was applicable since I was going 15 over. And I wasnt sure if I should hire a lawyer or try to get it reduced all by my lonesome.

Like I said, My main goal is to have NO insurance points or raises in the premiums.
Any help would be appreciated!
NC Points

Looks like you would end up with two insurance points if convicted which is 45% increase in your insurance.

You might be able to plea this one down yourself but lawyer has the best chance of acheiving your goals. Spend a morning in court watching what happens to get a better idea.
do you think I could get a prayer for judgement?

A PJC is at the discretion of the judge so it is hard to predict. Some judges may be less likely to allow one for someone your age.

I would try asking for a reduction to a non-moving or speeding less than 10 first. If you can't get it, plead not guilty and come back with a lawyer.

Again, visit court one morning to see how others are doing.
Since you are 17 one of your parents will need to go to court with you unless you retain an attorney. If you take a PFJ no one in the household can take another one for three years so trying for a reduction would be your best bet.
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