7 year old tool payment

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New Member
I work at a body shop and tool trucks come and sell tools and i would say they lease to own tools as well. I have an outstanding debt from 2004 with a Cornwell truck, when i move it was at 1023.00. Now i moved back and he wants 1023. Should i pay him or has he already collected some how? I don't to pay him on tools he already collect the money for, it would be like getting payed twice for the same items. I would appreciate an help you can offer. Thank you
Texas has a four SOL on all kinds of debts.

Read it and maybe you'll smile!

It all depends on what month the debt was incurred in 2007.

If it was before April 26, 2007, you're in the clear.

If the four year anniversary has not yet passed, stall, stall, stall!!!!

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