3 tickets in 2 months....liscense suspension? please help

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Back in December right before Christmas, me and some friends were going to get some food. We got on the highway and I was in front. I just kept accelarating. No reason, i just did. My friend also accelarated. We were probably going 90 in a 55(southern indiana, I-265). Well, there was a couple state cops that pulled us over on I-65. My friend admitted to doing 95, but i didnt and i dont think they had us on radar. So we both got tickets for 95 in a 55 and on top of that Speed Contest (racing). We werent racing (i have a jeep and my friend has an explorer, why race those) Well, ive retained an attorney and everything is going good (court on feb. 24) until last night. I was driving back from paoli on hwy 150 with my cruise set on 60 (50 mph zone) until i got stuck behind someone driving slower than the limit. I waited till it was clear and passed that guy. as soon as I got beside him i saw the lights come on from the side of the road. ticketed me for 74 in a 50. didnt matter that i was only passing. ive only had one other ticket (10 over) and it was taken care of by traffic school and it was like 3 years ago and i have never been in trouble before. Plus there are multiple problems with all the tickets(for example, the most recent (issued feb 10) says the court date is Jan 1, 2005) what kind of penalties am i looking at here. i honestly expect to lose my liscense. any help is appreciated.
anyone have any advice i could use. can i get them thrown out because of the errors on the tickets?
With the speed and other tickets, you did the right thing getting an attorney, make sure he knows everything.
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