Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse 3 counts possession & 1 count distribution- sentence?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Louisiana

My court date is quickly approaching and I am a ball of nerves.

I am a first-time drug offender and was hoping someone besides my lawyer could give me an opinion on my case. He is optimistic but he is also being paid.

I was in a car accident (my fault) and charged with a DWI. When searching my vehicle, the police found a single bag with xanax, somas, and lorcets, about 15-20 each. In my influenced state I seem to remember saying things in the police car that confessed my guilt- not that anyone questioned it. My lawyer won't tell me much except "be a good girl" yet I need better advice than that. So, my question is- does anyone have an opinion on what sort of sentence I am facing?

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