20 days Notice gets me out by the 5th but rent is still due?

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New Member
I gave my landlord written notice on the 16th of Sept and said that we would be out by Sept 30th. By Wa. law I believe I owe him a 20 day notice. Given the 20 days, that means out by October 6th. Technically rent is not even considered late until the 6th. I've agreed to be out by the Sept 30th AND pay pro-rated rent for those 6 days in Oct, if not yet rented by then. My landlord is claiming I would owe the ENTIRE month of October's Rent if I'm not out And the place is not rented by the 1st............. this isn't making sense to me. Help!
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This requirement for the 20 day notice involves providing this information at least 20 days preceding the next rental payment period. For example, if you wanted to be out by the end of September and your next monthly payment is due October 1st, you needed to give notice at least 20 days before October 1st.

Although your rent is not late until October 6th, your due date for payment is October 1st. Landlords typically do not prorate rent based on when the tenant happens to vacate the premises because it would be unusual that someone would rent a place beginning (for example) October 7th.

Should he be demanding it up front knowing I'm vacating? I think it might unmotivate him to move quickly if he has it paid for the month..........
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