18 year son a Sr. in H.S.

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My 18 year old son out of anger moved out of our house to move in with his girl friend and her Mother. The girl is 18 and a Sr. in high school as well. We want him to return asap. Is there anything we can do legally so he'll return asap? He's still registered under my care at school and I pay for everything. I don't want him to drop out of school either.

This is not legal Advice!


If your son moved out in anger, then why try to make him even more mad by demanding his return. It would be far easier to try and address the issues that started all this off in the first place. Now we all know you love your son, otherwise why would you be here?

As a parent it is mighty hard, as all of us with children would agree. We all sometimes end up in conflict of some discription. If there was a book on how to make the perfect child, then the person who writes it first would be worth a mint.

You have to try and remember people are individuals and have diffrent veiws and ways, some of which we like and some we dislike. Try to understand the situation from ALL angles and then approch this in a different way. Keep in mind you would like to be part of his life and not drive him away.

Look into you heart and you will find the answers you seek, this is not a legal matter this is a matter of give and take. If you try to compromise there maybe movement in this situation and if he digs his heals in then just be there waiting with a safty blanket to catch him when he falls. You are a proud parent and I fully understand you do not want to see your son take "What you think" is the wrong road. We can only hope your situation will get better in time and hope you take time out to rethink you direction you would like to take an this matter.

Good luck, we feel your pain.

Your very welcome, good luck in your quest.
Your very welcome, good luck in your quest.

Take care

Unless he is in a state where emacipation is older than 18 (most states with the exception of a few are 18) then there really is nothing you can do.
This is not legal Advice!

I am sure mum knows whats for the best now. The diplomatic approch sometimes works better than the law.
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