
  1. M

    Coerced into admission of guilt by probation officer?

    I think I may have been coerced by a probation officer into admission of guilt. What should I do? I was unable to produce a urine sample for my probation officer at My probation appointment for two important reasons but first a little background I've been out of jail since November 22 I...
  2. R

    Homophobic Probation Officer

    I am in a relationship with someone who is on probation. As soon as my partner told him he was gay the officer began treating him unreasonably. An example is that after passing his drug screen the officer insisted on doing a strip search of him because he said he was acting funny. I was...
  3. Flavius


    Have pending meeting with probation officer for under paying monthly restitution payments (25-$50) instead of court ordered 500 per mo (reduced from 600 per mo). Court determined monthy resti payments based on lie from govt that I received 2500 per mo V.A. disability, and 1000 per mo SSS...
  4. D

    What is Probation for if not followed ???

    I was just wondering if a person on probation and having a "No Contact" order of the victim,,, is it not a violation of probation if this guy sends absolute death threats to his victim,,, in this case, his wife !!! In a message sent to her phone he clearly states,,, if I see you "I WILL KILL...
  5. A

    Should I contact this man's probation officer?

    Hello, My parents and I live in Suffolk County, New York. In January 2017 my father's friend began living with us. His friend was removed from his home by his mother. During this time, my father's friend was arrested and convicted of animal neglect and abuse. My mother and I were not aware of...
  6. B

    Can a person get placed back on probation after its been terminated by a judge?

    A habitual felon served 90 days in state prison for probation violation and upon release had his probation sentence terminated. Since being released however, the individual continues to buy, sell and use heroin on a daily basis as well as reported false employment information to the state in...
  7. P

    Does this law apply to probation periods?

    I recently started a new job as a full time exempt employee. My company has a 30 day policy for being eligible for benefits including holiday pay. They were trying to deduct pay from me for Christmas, even though they are closed and I cannot go into work. I questioned this and they instead...
  8. P

    Handicapped from strokes, traumatic brain injuries and appealing false conviction and probation

    I'm a former professor and medical researcher that works with handicapped patients. In a travesty of justice I was wrongfully convicted of a misdemeanor. The accuser went to court several times to drop the charge but the DA wouldn't drop it in NY I'm severely handicap from several strokes...
  9. V

    Civil Citation. Help me

    i am a 17 year old and i have a civil citation for loitering. a couple months later i went downtown to the police office (Miami-Dade County Juvenile Services) and i had told them i smoked marijuana. (I had not been charged with possession or anything drug related only loitering), they put me on...
  10. Alternative Sentencing: Fines, Probation, Community Service, Deferred Adjudication

    Sentencing Alternative Sentencing: Fines, Probation, Community Service, Deferred Adjudication

    Alternative sentencing usually provides criminal defendants a way to avoid serving a jail or prison sentence. The most common alternatives include suspended sentences, fines, probation, community service, restitution, deferred adjudication and pretrial diversion programs. A judge will use a...
  11. Criminal Sentencing: Probation & Community Service Facts

    Sentencing Criminal Sentencing: Probation & Community Service Facts

    This article explains the process of sentencing in criminal court, the differences between parole and probation and how to handle revocation of probation and hearings. Pre-Sentence Report or Probation Report After a conviction of or guilty plea of a defendant,a report will be prepared for the...
  12. How a Judge Imposes Sentencing & Considerations

    Sentencing How a Judge Imposes Sentencing & Considerations

    This article will assist you in understanding the basics of criminal law concerning sentencing, parole and probation. It will also cover pre-sentencing reports, suspended sentences, community service, bail, the differences between jail and prison and other topics of concern to an accused...