
  1. J

    Can exhibits sent to the other party be slightly different from the ones submitted to the court?

    My exhibits will be many pages. Is it okay if to the court some of them are in color, but to the other side, I send black and white copies? Also, I'd like to tabulate the exhibits so the judge can access them quickly (again, they are numerous). Is it okay to do this but send to my opponent an...
  2. A

    Do Spouses Need POA for Each Other

    I have read that it is advisable for spouses to be general durable POA agents for each other. This would be particularly helpful if one needs to sell real estate when the other is incapacitated. It makes sense to me especially if it would avoid a guardianship process. Do you agree? I also read...
  3. R

    Is there anyway to appeal an arbitration ruling and other questions?

    Hello. Case involves auto accident (rear end-resulting in two implants in my neck. Insurance says I had chronic issues and was low impact; they claimed 4mph mine said 6.9mph. I had no symptoms or seen a doctor in over 9.5 years for my neck. Insurance claimed surgery was not necessary...