Dissolution of marriage

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1. Under Illinois law a representation agreement must be entered into between the attorney and client and must include a statement of client's rights and responsibilities which can be and usually is created and includes provisions made up by the attorney for the benefit of the attorney. (True or False)
37 Charley and Jane decide to get an "agreed" dissolution of marriage.
a. the lawyer can legally represent both parties
b. the lawyer is under no legal obligation to tell them that he/she is not a disinterested party, but is an advocate for one or the other
c. because he/she doesn't have to, the lawyer should never have witnesses to the discussions regarding representation or reduce the discussions to writing signed by the parties.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
29 Jane comes to the office and hires the firm for her dissolution of marriage. After a brief talk with J. Charles Lawyer, Esq. Three days later, her soon to be ex calls and says they have agreed on everything. Under those circumstances it is ok to advise him that the property can be divided 50-50 as they want it to be.
True False

30 Jane comes to the office and hires the firm for her dissolution of marriage. After a brief talk with J. Charles Lawyer, Esq. Since she is sure that she wants a dissolution, it is unnecessary to discuss other alternatives with her.
True False
48. In the event child custody is in issue, the court or either attorney may request the appointment of an attorney to represent the child, and in that event the child's savings account can be used to pay for his/her/their attorney.
True False
9. Tanya gives birth to a child in the women's restroom at Union Station. She immediately wraps the baby in paper towels and takes the baby to the nearest hospital where she leaves it in the emergency room and runs off.
a. She has relinquished all of her rights to that child forever.
b. She can get the child back so long as she petitions a court within 2 years.
c. It is presumed that she has relinquished her rights but it is a can be rebutted prior to a court terminating parental rights.
d. All of the above
e. b and c only
45. If the state where the dissolution was obtained did not have personal jurisdiction over the Respondent:
a. the state's award of maintenance is not enforceable in another state.
b. the state's award of child-support is not enforceable in another state
c. the state's award of property is not enforceable in another state
a. all of the above

46. Which one of the following is not true under Illinois Law:
a. Child support dies when the non-custodial parent dies.
b. Except as set forth in the judgment or other approval by the court, emancipation of a child terminates support
c. Maintenance dies when the spouse obligated to pay dies
d. Property division cannot be modified unless the court finds good cause to reopen the judgment
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