Is there a key flaw in our system in bonding out of jail

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Logan Halladay

New Member
The flaw being that anyone can post a defendents bond. I think that only two people should be eligible to bail someone out of jail:

The defendent themself, or their spouse if they are married.

The system of posting bail in order to await trial outside of jail, as I understand it, is to serve as a collateral of sorts.

If I were to be charged with a crime, and I post my own bond from money coming from my own bank account or assets, then I get that money back if I make all my court appearances, and forfeit it if I skip town.

That gives me a financial motive to show up in court.

And if my wife posts my bond, then those are joint assets and I'm in the same boat.

But if my Uncle Ralph comes down to the jail to bail me out, then it's not me that loses any money if I don't show up. Uncle Ralph does.

I would no longer have a financial horse in that race.

So why should Uncle Ralph be allowed to bail me out?
The flaw being that anyone can post a defendents bond. I think that only two people should be eligible to bail someone out of jail:

The defendent themself, or their spouse if they are married.

The system of posting bail in order to await trial outside of jail, as I understand it, is to serve as a collateral of sorts.

If I were to be charged with a crime, and I post my own bond from money coming from my own bank account or assets, then I get that money back if I make all my court appearances, and forfeit it if I skip town.

That gives me a financial motive to show up in court.

And if my wife posts my bond, then those are joint assets and I'm in the same boat.

But if my Uncle Ralph comes down to the jail to bail me out, then it's not me that loses any money if I don't show up. Uncle Ralph does.

I would no longer have a financial horse in that race.

So why should Uncle Ralph be allowed to bail me out?

Are you concerned about how your bail will be handled if you get your niece vaccinated against her mother's wishes?
Are you concerned about how your bail will be handled if you get your niece vaccinated against her mother's wishes?

Yes, I am in jail AND on the internet somehow.

I won't say on an open forum whether I did or didn't, suffice it to say that if I did, it would have been done last weekend and cannot be undone.

You reply first and awfully fast in an entirely different category on a forum with thousands of users. Guess I hurt your wittle feelings and now you're checking my profile on the regular.

I had already forgotten about you. I have a life.

Let it go. Most of the people you dislike don't know, and the rest don't care. Life's too short ol' buddy old pal.
So why should Uncle Ralph be allowed to bail me out?

Maybe Uncle Ralph loves you. Maybe he's doing it as a favor to his sibling (your parent).

But if my Uncle Ralph comes down to the jail to bail me out, then it's not me that loses any money if I don't show up. Uncle Ralph does.

And when Uncle Ralph finds you, he'll have a baseball bat or a couple of husky buddies who will settle your hash. Then he'll haul you back to jail and cancel your bail.
Yes, we've had that situation on the forums before.

You should speak to your attorney and only your attorney about your matter.

Except I don't have a matter. I am merely asking about a curiosity. Yet many of the posters on this forum DO have a matter.

I wonder what you think the whole point of this forum is.
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