Recent content by Zvernal

  1. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Driving With someone who is 21

    State: California Can I get in trouble if I have unopened alcohol in my car and i am with someone who is 21 years old? Like, assuming I get pulled over, and the cop finds alcohol in my trunk, but my passenger is 21, can I get in trouble for that? And could you also tell me the code that says...
  2. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP - Hotel Party bust help needed.

    Questions How old are you? What State are you in? Is this your first encounter with the law? I have had a little experience in this area, though my state California has different laws then other states, so this may not apply to you. I know that if you said you had something to drink, then...
  3. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication 20 yr old with MIP in Ca

    You should definitely fight this. Having a person of age in the car makes all the difference. What they were probably doing, is trying to get as few of people to go drinking on the river as they could. I live a few hours from Chico and now floating down the river is a tradition thing, and for...
  4. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Minor in possesion of Alcohol

    I am 19 and have had a little experience with this. On New Years of this year, ABC stopped me and found a lot of alcohol in my trunk. I was given and MIP and eventually went to court for it. I pled guilty and was given $300 dollars in fines, Out of court probation (basically nothing) and 1 yr...
  5. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication mip help please

    Well I don't know the laws or consequences of your state in regards to a Mip. But for the county of Santa Clara, which is in northern California, an area which is generally known for being hard on MIP's, I pled guilty and received 1 year out of court probation, 1 years restricted license...
  6. Z

    License Question-

    Hey guys, say you have a restricted license. Assuming it comes with the usual restrictions such as only driving to school and work. But like, in the case that you have a friend of your drive your car, with u as the passinger to the movies, then back to his house, and from there you drive back to...
  7. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Fighting an MIP Charge

    have you seen the police report yet? If so you should go check it out. I think this might be a situation you need a lawyer in. It seems reasonable that if a cup being on your trunk was hindering your ability to open it, that you should be allowed to remove it. When you get the report, you should...
  8. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication No Rights read

    I would think, that unless you admitted to guilt then they have to read you your rights. I am not really sure how Arizona law works. But like if they interogated you, i think they need to read you your rights. Also, if the District Attorney told you she wasnt going to take this any further then...
  9. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Fighting an MIP Charge

    have you seen the police report yet? If so you should go check it out. I think this might be a situation you need a lawyer in. It seems reasonable that if a cup being on your trunk was hindering your ability to open it, that you should be allowed to remove it. When you get the report, you should...
  10. Z

    Questions on Restricted License

    Hey guys, im 19 and in California. I have a question for any who have ever had , or know abut a restricted license, something I currently have. During court yesterday, I was issued a one year restricted license as result of A Minor In Posession of Alcohol. At first the judge stated i was to only...
  11. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication What exactly is a "fatal error"

    Hey man, i am over here in a California and had something similar happen to me. I got an MIP on New Years Eve, December 31st 2004. On the ticket, the cop wrote for my court date that it was in 2004; obviously forgetting we were about to go into 2005. I saw the mistake and thought nothing of it...
  12. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Question on Restricted Licenses

    Hey guys, im 19 and in California. I have a question for any who have ever had , or know abut a restricted license, something I currently have. During court yesterday, I was issued a one year restricted license as result of A Minor In Posession of Alcohol. At first the judge stated i was to only...
  13. Z

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Minor In Possesion of Alcohol in California

    Hey Guys I am 19. On New Years Eve in Saratoga, California I got busted in the parking lot of Safeway for having alcohol in my trunk. What happened is an undercover cop was sitting in the far corner of this parking lot and they watched a guy with a shopping cart full of bags come out, and help...