Recent content by zippysgoddess

  1. Z

    Landlord Discovered My Pet

    There are laws that allow support animals in non-pet housing, including emotional support. If you suffer from a documented medical condition, you can get an exception to the no-pet rule, but if you not, then you have no recourse.
  2. Z

    Defaulted student loan

    Have you tried applying for an income contingent repayment plan? These are specifically for low income people who cannot afford a regular payment plan. If your income is very low, you can even end up paying $0 until such a time as your situation improves and they recalculated. If you have let...
  3. Z

    I need help

    This definitely makes no sense. I moved into a place, once, with similar circumstances. I showed the utility company a copy of the lease, showing that new tenants were there and that was the end of it.
  4. Z

    I need help

    jacksgal, that was my first thought, WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU NOT COVER THE WINDOW?
  5. Z

    are bilogical children automatically entitled to assets

    It depends what state you in. In Pennsylvania, it goes to the surviving spouse, but in some states the children also have a claim.
  6. Z

    Unmarried "X" refuses to move out of my house

    In some states, it doesn't matter if they are on the lease or not, evictions procedures still may have to be followed!
  7. Z

    Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct Harassment?

    In the prior town we lived in, we lived near the same type of people. Store prices there were much lower and I was always getting deals and freebies with coupons, so they knew my house was always stocked. I have nothing against helping someone, but there are those that take advantage. My...
  8. Z

    Rear end dispute, no ticket

    Since the police weren't called, you are in a bad situation of your word against the other drivers. A consult with a lawyer would be your smartest move.
  9. Z

    New PA LAW (35 PA. STAT. §§ 1230.1 & 1235.1)

    Doubt you will get it overturned, these laws are very popular and PA did a lot of review and debate before finally passing and instituting it. So why are you worried about welding fumes, when you smoke?
  10. Z

    Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass What charges would I face?

    Placing stickers or defacing signs, which are owned by the state (in the case of most road signs) or the city/town (in the case of most street signs) is generally considered vandalism.
  11. Z

    I need to know what to do

    Most states have a statute of limitations for the period of time that abuse/molestation charges can be brought, for instance in Pennsylvania, it is 4 years after the child reaches 18. The chances of anyone being able to bring charges after 15 years are pretty slim, especially when they were not...
  12. Z

    Unmarried "X" refuses to move out of my house

    So what was the point of all the vehicle details? Anyway, you need to check your state housing laws, there is a good chance you may have to evict her to get her out.
  13. Z

    illegal citizens kids

    This is a mess, she really needs to consult an attorney.
  14. Z

    Child Support v. Disability Benefits

    Something here does not seem to make sense, you say you had the kids, yet also claim you owe child support?
  15. Z

    Can't Get Family Member to Move Out

    You will have to proceed with an eviction to get him out. Even if there is no lease, after being there for awhile, he has tenants rights.