Recent content by zendegy

  1. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    thank you so much for your time and kindness. It is much appreciated. :-)
  2. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    To my knowledge, she hasn't been physically dangerous to them in quite some time. It's become more of a victimization through finances. I am not sure this is something that can be addressed through any of the agencies you mentioned. I don't mean to sound like I am making excuses. I know...
  3. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    I am a mandated reporter, but things are never as easy or clear as one might hope. I would love to see my sister put away somehow, but my parents feel responsible for her and I do not feel right making some sort of definitive move without them. I don't know how they would take it if I did decide...
  4. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    Thank you, armyjudge. I will tell them they don't have to pay the bill. The worst part is that the money they have is money they've been saving to fix my mom's broken tooth. I would like to see something done about my sister and her negative control over our lives, but I don't know...I will be...
  5. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    irish, the answer to all of those is no.
  6. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    I think my parents have let this go so's hard, because they are dealing with my down's syndrome brother, the farm, and feel badly because of her CP and Epilepsy. I honestly fear that, if any of us took legal action or anything like that, she would burn the house down. Both my brother...
  7. Z

    parent liability for adult child's debts

    My 36 year old sister is diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder (though this diagnosis was made when she was a kid and she's not gone to a mental health professional since). On top of this she has Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy. She is able to keep a full-time job, drive and such, but still...