Recent content by yosemitebeauty

  1. Y

    Unauthorized Mail Censorship

    If there is suspicion that you are breaking the law (for instance, mailing booze or drugs), the United States Postal Inspectors can have your mail delivered to them first for screening. And, the Postmaster is forbidden to leak the information, so he/she won't tell you what you suspect is true...
  2. Y

    Landlord shared my unlisted telephone number with other tenants

    I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I have recently moved into a new residence because my ex-landlord and I did not agree on several matters. Much of our communication was via e-mail. QUESTION #1: Is it legal for the landlord to share landlord/tenant e-mail correspondence with other...
  3. Y

    Please Help, former landlord is withholding my mail!

    Contact the Postal Inspection Service in your area The landlord is clearly violating law--that mail does not belong to him. Contact the Postal Inspection Service in your area. Because I'm a new 'poster' I can't post their website link; hopefully the following will make sense to you...