Recent content by Trace

  1. T

    Denied the right to see my son

    As far as her being able to take him back. She wont be able to cause as soon as I get him I'm filing for custody. So if she attempts to take him back then it'll be kidnapping. But I do got a new problem added to this. She has recently moved & didnt give me her address so I would have no sending...
  2. T

    Denied the right to see my son

    Dont worry I'm never giving up on my son. I'll try the cops. This all is about nothing but my son. I should be getting an opportunity to attempt this sometime this month comin up. Once I can find a way to get him in my arms I should be good
  3. T

    Denied the right to see my son

    I tried CPS. I attempted to tell them everything & the guy got rude with me & said it just sounds like I'm trying to accuse her. He didnt care what information I had.
  4. T

    Denied the right to see my son

    I've been to JAG they informed me that everything my NCO's & evryone else around me was true, that with us still being married that I can get my son & keep him with me & it's not illegal. I informed them of the danger he's in living there. His mom is a druggy same with her boyfriend who also is...
  5. T

    Denied the right to see my son

    I was wondering if it is legal for my wife to deny me the right to see my son? We are still married & have not takin any legal actions like seperation, divorce, or custody battle. I'm stationed in Virginia for the military & she's living with her aunt, uncle, & new boyfriend. With us still being...