Recent content by stradeteox

  1. S

    Need HELP...American child living in Germany...need to establish paternity and more.

    Thanks.....I have some hope and some work ahead of me. Thanks Sandradiana for your words of encouragement. I am very hopeful that my daughter will someday find out about me or try to find me. It is nice to know that you had a happy ending to your search. My only concern is that the...
  2. S

    Need HELP...American child living in Germany...need to establish paternity and more.

    More information... Are you sure about this? Everything I have read in similar posts suggests that since the child was born in the US that US law would prevail here. In fact, I contacted the CA Vital Statititics office and they informed me that the husband at the time would be the...
  3. S

    Need HELP...American child living in Germany...need to establish paternity and more.

    More information... Are you sure about this? Everything I have read in similar posts suggests that since the child was born in the US that US law would prevail here. In fact, I contacted the CA Vital Statititics office and they informed me that the husband at the time would be the...
  4. S

    Need HELP...American child living in Germany...need to establish paternity and more.

    Additional information.... I forgot to add that the mother told me that our child does not know who her father is. The mother's ex-husband suppossedly has no contact and the child does not know who he is (so I would not be confusing the child if and when she ever is told about me). Also...
  5. S

    Need HELP...American child living in Germany...need to establish paternity and more.

    I have a dilema that I hope someone could give me a some good advice and a place to start from. I will try to keep this short and post more information if needed; 14 years ago while stationed overseas my girlfriend at the time became pregnant. She had dual citezenship (German and...