Recent content by sol1985

  1. S

    friend wants to file restraining order but she could be guilty

    Update: the footage showing the strangulation is available. The ex was told in writing by security, so there is plenty of documentation. I'm not sure the ex wants her ex deported though. That's too much but so is strangulation, I guess. Decisions, decisions for the ex. Thanks for your...
  2. S

    friend wants to file restraining order but she could be guilty

    Are human witnesses really better than video surveillance? People can lie or misjudge by being under the influence.
  3. S

    friend wants to file restraining order but she could be guilty

    How about the fact her ex broke her phone? Can she use that even though the ex paid for it and she accepted the payment? Also, this happened in a nightclub. Will footage be available - and will the police ask for it once she files the report (the one who may get arrested). By the way, I...
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    friend wants to file restraining order but she could be guilty

    Long story short, my female friend wants to file a restraining order against her ex girlfriend. (She was involved in a same sex relationship almost two years ago). My friend, who has been living in NYC illegally for almost five years on an expired tourist visa feels that her ex is stalking her...