Recent content by Siddalee

  1. S

    Consumer Law, Warranties Exhibits for Small Claims

    I am appearing in small claims court tomorrow as a defendant and have prepared my argument as well as exhibits. Do I need to provide copies of the exhibits to the plaintiff as well as the court or just to the court?
  2. S

    Consumer Law, Warranties Web Designer Non Performance

    Well they are taking me to small claims and trying to recoup the balance of the estimate of $2300 or $1150 and the court date is 11/25. There is no written contract and I would think being a business owner that would have been the first thing to be created to protect herself from these type...
  3. S

    Consumer Law, Warranties Web Designer Non Performance

    Homeopathic "dr." (I'm thinking like a witch doctor) is some sort of "herbal" medicine dr. I don't think he's got a doctorate in anything except being shady. This is only one of his former occupations. I guess at one point he was a chiropractor too!
  4. S

    Consumer Law, Warranties Web Designer Non Performance

    You make it sound so simple!! I actually was a paralegal for 18 years and did well with other people's issues but never my own! The thing is, I don't think I kept the templates or anything because I never thought it would come to this! In her ex-husband's response, he gave me three options...
  5. S

    Consumer Law, Warranties Web Designer Non Performance

    In March I made a deposit to a web designer in the amount of $1,150.00 which is half what she proposed charging me for creation of a real estate website. As of August 31, I still did not have a website and very limited contact from her during that six month period of time. I was very explicit...