Recent content by Shellnic

  1. S

    Child custody

    Okay thank you
  2. S

    Child custody

    That's all I want is a schedule in writing that's all and knowing I'm going to have him on set dates that's all I do to want to take him out of his school I don't want to take him out of his dad's house I just want schedule d visiatavis
  3. S

    Child custody

    Well I'll now that I'll have a set schedule with my son not just when he says there's times when I don't know when I'm going to see him again sometimes I go three weeks with out seeing him it's hard for me I feel like I have proven myseld long enough and I'm tired of his dad having all the...
  4. S

    Child custody

    Hi I'm in California I have a 9 year old son I lost custody of about 5 years ago I have been back in his life 3 years going on 4 years now I have no rights to him but I seen him about two times a month and all holiday s and I get him most of his summer break and Christmas break and spring break...