Thank you for correcting that he is in Wisonsin. I would tend to think that DNR has the same enforcement rights in all states? no?
Beyond that though, I got to thinking that the fine imposed is nominal compared to the damage done to the girl who is not suing him and his own generally...
It still refers to whether a reason or notice must be given.
I orignally hail from RI which is a right to work state; now live in VA which is at will. States that prohibit 'at will' (end your contract for any reason) require an employer to show cause.
This protects employers is by...
Conservation officers are fully commissioned peace officers, empowered to enforce all laws of the state of Michigan.
From page 15 onward at:
An ORV operator is considered to have given implied consent to chemical
tests of blood...
Well, young one - your question got me to exploring and I found more information than I ever knew about how to flunk a breathalizer.
Meanwhile, stop drinking before your 24! yes, 24! Your brain is not fully developed before age 24 and if...
Im not a lawyer but here are my thoughts -
If he has no other violations, seek to have it expunged.
Are you in a right to work state or an at will state for employemnt? In an at will state, an employer can not hire you for any reason and let you go for any reason.
Here is a little gem for you: check out the website for dawninfo dot samsha dot gov
Feds may be slow but they catch up eventually.
Your friend breaking hisher bones to get opiates is a very serious addiction.
So here is another little gem for you: check out buprenorphine dot samhsa dot...
What could be important is to right your wrong asap. Show the judge that you are serious about your mistake and get into counseling. Some judges are ok with the AA/NA thing however this is NOT therapy nor counseling. Chose your own counseling before its chosen for you.
If you served prison time of one year or more, there is something called WOTC - WOrk Opportunity Tax Credit. Google search it. It provides an employer up to $2,400. off the top of their taxes to hire an ex felon. Sometimes money talks.
Another thing to do is to write on the application...
They tasered you would mean you do have wintesses; just not the kind you prefer. Think about your questions - who was there when they found you; how were you found to be (asleep?); how did they wake you? why did they wake you? Perhaps ask for each officers testimony to not be in front of the...