Recent content by ninjaSmoke

  1. N

    Ebay Fraud

    Macangels, I went back and removed! Thanks HB
  2. N

    Ebay Fraud

    g2e1hvl Besides ... put yourself in the police's shoes ... Crime is all over the place and one can only put their limited resources where they can do the most good. That is why we all have to take responsibly and try to help. Besides, I do enjoy disrupting the scammers. And yes I get...
  3. N

    Ebay Fraud

    g2e1hvl, Well, bad people have existed sense Adam! So each of us can do a little to break down scamers house of cards. Just know that it is a life time effort. HB
  4. N

    Ebay Fraud

    JJ I hope they throw the book at the kid. He definitely knew what he was doing!! That article did bring out one IMPORTANT point: Always make your deals within the boundaries of the site. If in do all dealings within Amazon DO NOT try to cut a better deal by trying to contact...
  5. N

    Ebay Fraud

    Internet Fraud Info Everyone, please take the time to go to this site and read!!! Jeff, has a wealth of info.
  6. N

    Ebay Fraud

    People, I have sense checked out that '' site and it to is a fraud!!! I went to the WHOis registrar and also used the e-mail name given to me by the person trying to scam me and it said that this person has been using this escrowstd site...
  7. N

    Ebay Fraud

    Romania Fraud ring I to have run into these guy's but on Amazon. The letter they send is the same but with a few name changes and even the same misspelling and bad grammar. How I found out about them was by typing in 'Romania Electronic&Camera Shopping Store' in google and it brought me to...