Recent content by mskathyj

  1. mskathyj


    We already went to juvinile court Friday...thats when defacs lawyer told that I cound't appeal it...But I'm gonna see a lawyer and see if something can be done before it's too...I have a funny feeling that I maybe too late...he has'nt been adopted out and that little boy have a very...
  2. mskathyj


    PLZ..Someone help me..
  3. mskathyj


    I forgot a few things..Both of his parents ar in prison..Defacs informed me they are terminating their parental rights ...the mother is getting really soon...I did not have custody of the boy..I had only guardianship..I tried to appeall it...but have no standing..Is it too late to get a lawyer???
  4. mskathyj


    I was raising my now almost 6 yr old autistic grandson the doctor changed his medicine and he started gettting violent...he was biting us and scratching us so I had no choice to call defacs for help and letting them know that we were not letting him go....he was on 5 medicines and he was only 4...